Love to Cycle? Are You Insured if You Cause a Road Traffic Accident?


If you are a keen cyclist, you may have asked the question, “Do I need to have insurance when riding on the road?” While as a cyclist you are more likely to be a victim of a road traffic accident than the cause, you might prefer the added protection of an insurance policy.

There is no legal requirement to hold insurance as a cyclist. However, in the event that you cause third party damage, you may very well be covering the costs.

Where might you be covered?

Many cyclists also hold a driving licence and have car insurance. However, when you are on your bicycle, you are not covered by this policy. So, if you have an accident or cause damage to another bike, vehicle or other property you would be unable to make a claim with your insurer.

Some home insurance policies will cover a cyclist for certain risks, including third party liability.

At Alexander Swan, we can provide a home insurance policy with a provision for pedal cycles, which includes cover for pedal cycles valued up to £10,000.

We also offer a personal accident policy for cyclists.

If you are a member of a cycling organisation, such as British Cycling or Cycling UK, your membership fee will likely include a provision for third party liability insurance.

However, if you want all-round protection, you also have the option for dedicated cycle insurance.

If you choose this route, look for a comprehensive policy that gives you the peace of mind that you, your bike and any third-party liability will all be covered.

Cycle insurance will usually cover you as the bike rider, and your property, including accidents and personal injury, as well as third-party liability. There may also be additional benefits such as holiday cancellation, or if you race, having to cancel your place in a competition.

Changes to cycling laws

According to the Independent, in 2015, two pedestrians were killed and 96 seriously injured after being hit by a bicycle. In 2016, of the 448 pedestrians killed by a vehicle, three involved a bike, and 289 involved a car.

While the statistics show that injuries and deaths caused by cyclists are low in comparison to overall accident figures, it looks like road laws may be about to change.

Following the high-profile court case in 2017 with cyclist Charlie Alliston, the government has been keen to update laws on dangerous cycling to bring them in line with dangerous driving legislation. We are currently waiting on an outcome to a consultation on proposed changes.

Depending on the outcomes, cyclists may have tighter regulations to follow, which in turn could increase the need for insurance.

So, should you have insurance?

Roads are busy places and are only getting busier. The potential for road traffic accidents and third-party damage is only increasing. If you are a competitive cyclist or travel abroad with your bike, you will also have additional risks to consider.

If you want protection against your risks, cycle insurance can provide many positives.

  • Affordable and worthwhile – save money in pay outs in the event of third party damage
  • Protection for you if you are injured
  • Costs covered for damage to your bike and other property
  • Additional benefits in your policy for unexpected costs from pulling out of races or cancelling holidays
  • Cover available to protect you when commuting or racing.

If you are unsure if you should invest in cycle insurance, or if you want to find out what would be covered under your home insurance policy, contact the team at Alexander Swan.

Dedicated to finding you the right insurance cover for you, your business and your property.

T: 0800 458 0082
